How Can A Doula Help My Hospital Birth Experience?

Birth goals and experiences are as diverse as the families having them. 

For some, a natural birth is the goal. But for many others (most, actually!) the birth plan involves an epidural. And guess what? We love epidurals! As your doulas, we whole-heartedly, enthusiastically, and unconditionally support your choices and preferences - whatever they may be.

Mothers planning on delivering their baby in a hospital environment with epidural assistance, will enjoy many benefits to having the physical and emotional support of a labor doula by your side.

Let's face it. No one wants to figure this out on their own! 

That is where your Doulas of Asheville labor doula comes in. 

As you are nearing your delivery date, your team of two doulas will be available to you around the clock to hear every concern or question and help you decide when it's time to head to the hospital. When the big day arrives, your doula can support you as you navigate being admitted to the hospital and as you wait (anxiously?!) for your epidural. She'll be right alongside you to guide you through the transitions of birth and can help you navigate things like 'what you can expect from your epidural' and other scenarios during your hospital birth experience. 

Where most of the faces you'll encounter at the hospital are new (nurses, anesthesiologist, maybe your OB isn't the doctor on call...), your doula will be right there with you, a calming, comforting, and familiar presence that will be with you until you meet your baby.  Her job is to be your ever-present, unwavering source of support, encouragement, guidance, and calming presence.

Once your epidural is placed, our goals don’t change. We remain by your side helping you stay relaxed, confident, and calm.

Sometimes partners use this time to be able to catch a meal in the cafeteria (so you don't have to smell the food!), and are at ease knowing their doula is still by your side while they are away.

Giving birth is a strenuous process regardless of your delivery method. Your doula will always be beside you to coach you through and help you stay focused and at ease throughout your delivery.

No matter your goals, your labor doula will attune to you - anticipating and responding to your (and your partner's) needs to help you stay comfortable during labor and throughout your delivery.

Whether giving birth with drugs or without, vaginally or by cesarean section, doula support can offer extra peace of mind that allows you to relax and focus your energy on the task at hand.

This can also be a big relief for your partner, who usually needs some help relaxing too!

Once your baby arrives, your doula is there to help as you take your first steps on your journey of parenthood.

All births have their challenges and uncertainties but your labor doula is there to help you navigate them. Whether this is your first baby or you've been down this road before, creating a birth plan with us can relieve some of your stresses.

Christine Robinson

Doulas of Asheville is western North Carolina's premier doula agency, providing birth doulas, postpartum doulas, and placenta specialists to Asheville families. We are proud to support any and all birthing choices, parenting styles. Our postpartum doulas are available to support families with new babies around the clock, from a few daytime shifts, to overnight newborn care, to 24-hour live-in support.